Number 1 Best Seller
In 7 Countries across 49 Categories

Number 1 Best Seller in 7 Countries Across
49 Categories

About the author.
I’ve reinvented my life numerous times, changing careers, countries, and relationships. Still, when during the course of a few years, I lost my business, my parents died, and I left my life and business partner; starting over seemed impossible. I felt lost, alone, stuck, sad, scared, anxious, overwhelmed, and directionless. I was unclear about what I wanted, how to achieve it, and what to do next..
After investing decades of my life and lots of money into my professional and personal development, I tapped into the most effective tools, techniques, exercises, and practices I learned to gain clarity about my passions, purpose, and direction. I became intentional about consciously creating the life of my dreams using the Inner Compass Program.
I re-found my North Star and turned my breakdown into my breakthrough, overcoming my biggest fears. I became clear and confident, able to make life-changing decisions and restart my life. I started to feel the most empowered, fulfilled, loved, and peaceful I’d ever felt, excited about my future and watching my business flourish. I felt safe and secure, knowing I’d found a way to re-find my North Star if I ever felt lost again.
I use modern-day exercises, tools and techniques, and ancient spiritual practices to ensure that your Inner Compass is set to your North Star. And if you ever lose your way again, you’ll know how to get back on course easily and swiftly.
Karen Floyd has decades of global business leadership experience and four years of coaching experience partnering with top executives. She is ICF-trained with a Diploma in Integrative Coaching, a certified Peernovation Teams Coach, a Chartered Public Relations Professional, an accredited teacher of Active Dreaming, and a certified spiritual teacher who has coached global executives worldwide. In this book, she shares a mind, body, and spirit approach to living a life that’s rich physically, emotionally and spiritually. Endorsed by Tony Robbins.
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