The Inner Compass Program

Transformational Coach

8 weeks to Transform your Life

Transition from lost, stuck, and confused to clear, conscious, and courageous, and live a prosperous, purpose-driven, and joyful life.



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I am a caring and compassionate woman dedicated to supporting others to realise their full potential. This was the oath I swore when I was ceremonially adopted into a Welsh family decades ago so they could share their ancient spiritual tradition with me. I have invested heavily in formalising the intuitive skills I bring to each unique situation.

I’ve travelled extensively, studied, and worked in many countries, including France, Spain, Russia, Norway, and the US. I’ve always been a gipsy, frequently changing locations and homes.

When I was little, as an only child brought up by my penniless mum in Liverpool, England, I spent hours in my inner world. I believed I could talk to rocks. I had precognitive dreams regularly. All I wanted was to escape my reality. And I did, to create one of my dreams fulfilled.

Freedom and flexibility have allowed me to benefit from a lifestyle involving travel, living with horses, dogs and cats, and engaging in ongoing professional, personal and spiritual development.

I no longer ride horses or have dogs, but I still enjoy long walks in nature and being near water. I love swimming in the ocean and am fortunate to be able to do it all year, whenever I choose.

My life hasn’t been a bed of roses. I’ve experienced severe head injuries, multiple riding accidents, miscarriage, divorce, loss of parents, bullying (as an adult in the workplace), business loss, betrayal, and perimenopause. And the past few years have been the toughest of my life in many ways.

All I’ve experienced and learned personally, professionally and spiritually is wrapped up in The Inner Compass Program so that you can do what has taken me decades to synthesise in eight weeks.

I value the dreams and aspirations of others and have helped many to achieve them, whether their objective was to grow in confidence to fulfil a dream promotion, rebuild a life after psychiatric treatment, or gain clarity about passion and purpose. Serving others feeds my soul.

I’m grateful to work from anywhere in the world with people I choose and who choose me, incredible women who want to be the best version of themselves and know that it takes inner work to change the outer world.

If I resonate with you, book a free call with me.
I know you’ll be happy you did.
With love,

Who is it for?

For Individuals looking for One on One sessions and Groups who

  • Are seeking deeper self-understanding and trust.
  • Are looking to reinvent themselves.
  • Are navigating relationship loss or breakdown.
  • Are undergoing major professional transitions (e.g., job loss, relocation, parental leave, relationship change, entrepreneurship).
  • Have a restart plan but unsure of the next steps.
  • Need to establish a fresh start in life.
  • Desire to actively create a new life.
  • Want to realise their potential.

Who is it NOT for?

  • Say they’ll never change
  • Don’t think transformation is possible.
  • Unwilling to commit to the process.
  • Unwilling to bear their souls and be honest with themselves.
  • Unwilling to be patient and put in the work.
  • Expect overnight transformation with no effort.
Module one

Conscious Change


  • Learn how to best prepare for the program and embrace change and transformation.
  • Learn and practice heart-mind coherence.
  • Change your brainwaves at will for better sleep, health, and clarity.


The attitude, belief and intention with which we start things significantly impact the experience and outcome. In this module, you’ll establish a solid foundation to grow and transform in all areas of your life. You’ll experience some exercises, practices, techniques, and meditations used throughout the program, including changing your brainwaves at will for clarity, insight and health.

Module two

Acceptance and Love


  • Connect with your Inner Child.

  • Explore practices and techniques for cultivating self-love.
  • Learn acceptance and practice forgiveness and gratitude.


Embarking on a journey of transformation requires self-love, which, once you attain it, you’ll find that things flow and you’ll find acceptance easier. Connecting with your Inner Child accelerates the path of self-love from which all else flows.

Module three

Conscious Clearing


  • Release old trauma, people, places, and careers consciously.
  • Identify what brought about changes and traumas and the lessons learned.
  • Release toxic ties to people, places, situations, organisations, and buildings.


You want the best foundation for your new start, and that begins with consciously clearing out the old to make way for the new. This becomes easy with acceptance and self-love. In this module, release any stored trauma and energy from the past and learn how to manage the energetic ties to everything and everyone you meet in person and virtually.

Module four

Mastering the Mind


  • Become more conscious in all areas of life.
  • Overcome limiting beliefs and embody empowering ones.
  • Strengthen your intuition and decision-making ability.


Your mind can be your greatest ally or worst enemy, so it pays to use it wisely. In this module, you’ll free yourself from what’s holding you back and implement techniques and practices to reprogram your subconscious and manage your thoughts. You’ll learn how to sharpen and trust your intuition.

Module five

Dreamwork & Imagination


  • Learn to dream, remember and understand your dreams and become lucid.
  • Discover how to use dreams to obtain information and healing.
  • Use your imagination for better results in reality.


Dreams contain information and guidance crucial to your life, health, work, and relationships. In this module, you’ll learn how to leverage the power of dreamwork to improve your life while you’re asleep and awake. Even if you don’t dream, you soon could be. Discover how the imagination gets actual results fast.

Module six

Synchronicty, Signs & Symbols


  • Learn to set yourself up for more synchronicity.
  • Become conscious of signs, symbols and messages.
  • Decipher signs, symbols and messages. 


The multiverse is awash with signs, symbols and messages to help you in your life. The key is becoming conscious of them. In this module, you’ll discover the signs, symbols and messages in your life and learn how to create more synchronicity. You’ll discover how you constantly communicate with the universe and how the universe responds.

Module seven

Conscious Balance


  • Understand and meet your masculine and feminine aspects.

  • Learn how to balance these for harmony in all areas of life.
  • Discover how to leverage this energy for transformation.


We all have masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves. If these energies aren’t balanced, you’ll struggle with being decisive, taking action, nurturing yourself, feeling secure and more. In this module, you’ll learn to align your masculine and feminine aspects for transformation. 

Module eight

Your North Star


  • Gain clarity about your direction.

  • Connect with your North Star.

  • Co-create all aspects of your life.


Now that you have come this far, it’s time to connect with your North Star. By now, you’re more conscious, clear, and self-aware and trust yourself like never before. Co-create your new start with heart-mind coherence, a clear, actionable and flexible plan and learn to course-correct if you ever feel lost or stuck again. 

Module Nine

Conscious Communication & Storytelling


  • Become conscious of how you communicate.

  • Become a confident communicator even in tough talks.
  • Craft your story and become a storyteller.


Communication is crucial to success in all aspects of life. In this last learning module, you’ll learn how to improve your communication skills and become conscious of your communication and its impact. Learn how to have and practice difficult discussions. Craft your new story and rehearse communicating it.

Module Ten

Conscious Closing


  • Share your experience and transformation.

  • Consciously close the program.
  • State intention for after the program.


Now that you have come this far, it’s time to connect with your North Star. By now, you’re more conscious, clear, and self-aware and trust yourself like never before. Co-create your new start with heart-mind coherence, a clear, actionable and flexible plan and learn to course-correct if you ever feel lost or stuck again. 


Ceremonies for Conscious Living


  • Learn to use ceremony to connect with yourself more deeply.

  • Discover how to create conscious ceremonies for any occasion.
  • Experience a ceremony to bless your new start.


Ceremony is a beautiful, creative and conscious way to connect more deeply with yourself, the divine, and nature. Engaging in ceremony heightens focus, intent and emotion for manifestation and alignment. You’ll create and execute a ceremony in this bonus module to bless your new start. 


Conscious Connection with Nature


  • Learn the spiritual principles of working with nature. 

  • Learn to connect with nature energetically. 

  • Discover how to work with nature for healing and insight.


If you love nature, you’ll love this module. Learn ancient esoteric techniques for connecting and working with nature to gain insight and healing and to exchange love, admiration and appreciation. Discover how to connect with rocks, trees, water, animals, flowers and herbs for a deeper understanding of life. And it’s great fun!

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