How to Stop Creating Karma

How to Stop Creating Karma

I’ve been thinking about karma. Karmic action is active, which means any action we take in response to a situation or a person creates more karma. So, in karmic terms, it’s not the situation that matters but the level of consciousness from which we respond to...
Ten Benefits Of Stillness

Ten Benefits Of Stillness

Stillness, often associated with a state of calmness and tranquillity, offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. In our fast-paced and constantly connected world, embracing stillness can be particularly valuable. Examples of stillness are meditation,...
Appreciating the Magic of Life

Appreciating the Magic of Life

When we’re struggling and suffering, it’s not easy to appreciate the magic of life. However, remembering it’s a gift and a privilege to be alive here on this beautiful planet can pull you out of a dark place. Appreciating the magic of being alive is a wonderful...
The Impact of Affirmations

The Impact of Affirmations

Affirmations are positive or negative statements you repeat to yourself regularly that impact your life, influencing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. When used positively, affirmations can reprogramme your subconscious mind and promote self-belief and...
Shape Your Future Consciously

Shape Your Future Consciously

Shaping your future consciously involves making deliberate choices and actions aligning with your goals and values. Here are some tips to help you do just that: 1. Set Clear Goals Define what you want to achieve: career, relationships, health, and personal...