We all have a Higher Self. The concept of the Higher Self is found in different religions, from Christianity to Buddhism. The Higher Self is the ‘real you’ that’s unlimited and eternal. It’s where you receive inspiration, insight and intuitive messages, your soul’s consciousness. The Higher Self knows your intentions and desires.

You are always connected to your Higher Self and can work to deepen and strengthen the connection. Your Higher Self is your best ally for creating a meaningful life in ordinary reality, here on the physical plane. Have you ever ‘just known’ something about a person, place, or situation or received a strong impulse to do or not do something? These are messages from your Higher Self.

Messages from the Higher Self are communicated in different ways

Dreams and Visions

The Higher Self communicates via dreams. Vivid dreams that carry strong emotional energy indicate the Higher Self. You can hold the intent you meet your Higher Self in sleep dreams and meditations.

During strong visions when we’re awake, daydreaming and tapping into the imagination can also be messages from the Higher Self. 

Intuition and Gut Feeling 

Intuition happens in the heart area. With intuition, you just ‘know’ something. With intuition, there is no fear, and it’s clear. 

Your gut feeling happens in the solar plexus area. Gut feeling is feedback about how you feel about something. You might have a strong feeling about and a physical reaction to a place, a person, or a situation. Butterflies in your tummy or a sinking feeling in the gut area? That’s your gut feeling sending you a message from your Higher Self via your body.

Synchronicity and Signs

The Higher Self gets our attention with signs and synchronicities. They can come in the form of repeating number patterns, literature, music, song lyrics, animals, a conversation you overhear that answers a question for you, an aroma, or multiple ‘meaningful coincidences’. The signs are everywhere if we choose to see them. 

Strong Urges and Restlessness

Maybe you have a strong urge to visit a particular place or feel that you need a change in your life, although it doesn’t make sense. Your Higher Self may indicate that you’re ready for the next stage of your journey and encourage you to explore new options. You can use dreamwork and shamanic lucid dreaming to explore these urges.

Strong Emotions

Strong emotions allow us to learn something valuable about ourselves and our lives. If someone triggers strong unpleasant emotions for you, you might want to use the experience as a mirror that shows you something you could work on within yourself. 

We all have access to guidance from our Higher Self, from whom we can receive the answers to our questions when we listen. Documenting and journaling your dreams, visions, intuitions, gut feelings, strong emotions, urges, synchronicities, and signs is a great way to strengthen the connection with the Higher Self. 

Other great practices for strengthening the connection with the Higher Self include meditation and dreamwork.

Who do you trust beyond all others?