Soulmate Versus Karmic Relationships

Soulmate Versus Karmic Relationships

Soulmate Relationships   A soulmate relationship is often characterized by several distinct features. First and foremost, there is a profound sense of connection and familiarity between the individuals involved. It feels as if they have known each other for a...
Synchronicity and Dreaming

Synchronicity and Dreaming

Famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity. Jung was a firm believer in precognitive dreams. His advice was to consider synchronicity as meaningful coincidences that offer powerful insight into what’s going on for you. Once we start working more...
Working With Dreams, Starting Out

Working With Dreams, Starting Out

In previous blog posts, here and here, we have examples explaining why dreams are important.  Dreams offer physical, mental, emotional and spiritual therapy. If we really want to work with our dreams, we need to remember them, learn to understand them and take action...
Dreams are Therapy

Dreams are Therapy

The REM stage of sleep is most closely associated with dreaming, but we do dream at other times during our sleep, according to some researchers. Studies show that we dream almost as much in non-REM states as we do during REM states. So, any sleep can result in...
Science Says Sleep and Dreams Matter

Science Says Sleep and Dreams Matter

According to some specialists, sleep and dreaming are essential to good health, happiness and creativity. Sleep, they say, is the best thing for resting the brain and body, while dreaming provides essential emotional healing and insight into our lives, helping us to...